· U16, a Type VIIC submarine, was officially ordered on April 2, 1942 and ultimately launched on December 30, 1943 About a year and a half later, On April 6, 1945, you can actually find the official account from 27 year old Captain KarlAdolf Schlitt, who, · Now meet U16 and its proud 27yearold captain, KarlAdolf Schlitt On April 14, 1945, Schlitt and his submarine were eight days into their first combat patrol of the war The submarine lurked 0 feet beneath the surface of the North Sea when Schlitt decided that he could figure the toilet out himself · It came in the form of the Nazi submarine U16 27yearold KarlAdolf Schlitt, Schlitt recalled the incident in a report contained in the German Uboat archive
The Story Of Karl Adolph Schlitt And German Submarine U 16
U-1206 karl-adolf schlitt
U-1206 karl-adolf schlitt- · U16, The German UBoat With The Worst Story In The Fleet Kapitänleutnant KarlAdolf Schlitt surfaced the sub to vent out the gas, which exposed the submarine As Allied forces started to bomb the sub, Schlitt ordered an evacuation and scuttled the subCaptain KarlAdolf Schlitt captained U16 and was on a mission to patrol the coast of Scotland Captain KarlAdolf Schlitt wanted to use the restroom of Uboat and quickly slipped into it

Un Siglo En Guerra Revista De Divulgacion De Historia Y Cultura Militar Del S Xx
· The U16 was one of the new models of submarines equipped with the new toilets In April of 1945, it was submerged under the North Sea, 10 miles off the coast of Scotland, when its captain, KarlAdolf Schlitt, decided he needed to use the bathroom Wikimedia Commons 1945 German UBoats · U16, sailing out of Kristiansand, Norway, as part of the 11th Flotilla, was cruising at a depth of roughly 0 feet when the commander, Kapitänleutnant KarlAdolf Schlitt, decided to · The U16 was commissioned on March 16, After Captain KarlAdolf Schlitt and the crew received its assignment and they trained with the uboat for the rest of 1944 In early 1945 they were sent on training patrols in the North Sea after
· Came across this when scanning Uboatnet On 14 April 1945, 0ft deep in the North Sea a few miles off Peterhead, U16 Type VIIC Commander Kptlt KarlAdolf Schlitt took a sh*t in his new fangled highpressure heads, without checking toilet procedure When it went a bit pearshaped, the trained toilet rating came to the rescue · U16 "was one of the late war boats fitted with the new deepwater highpressure toilets which allowed them to be used while running at depth Flushing these toilets was extremely complicated and special technicians were trained to operate them" When Captain KarlAdolf Schlitt used the · Now meet U16 and its proud 27yearold captain, KarlAdolf Schlitt On April 14, 1945, Schlitt and his submarine were eight days into their first combat patrol of the war The submarine lurked 0 feet beneath the surface of the North Sea when Schlitt decided that he could figure the toilet out himself
· The Uboat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, ) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, ) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat Over pages on the officers, the boats, technology and the Allied efforts to counter the Uboat threat · Now meet U16 and its proud 27yearold captain, KarlAdolf Schlitt(rhymes with sh) On April 14, 1945, Schlitt and his submarine were eight days into their first combat patrol of the war The submarine lurked 0 feet beneath the surface of the North Sea when Schlitt decided that he could figure the toilet out himself · And in 1945, that's exactly what happened to Nazi submarine captain Karl Adolf Schlitt As captain, Schlitt had some special privileges, including the unofficial right to ignore every lesson that he'd ever been taught After using the bathroom, Schlitt really didn't want to live with his shame, so he called in an engineer to help him flush

The German Submarine That Was Sunk By Its Toilet U 16 Ww2site Eu

The German Submarine That Was Sunk By Its Toilet U 16 Ww2site Eu
· U16 had left occupied Norway eight days earlier and was cruising off the Scottish coast when something happened Kapitänleutnant Karl Adolf Schlitt (you have to be very careful pronouncing that name when you telling this story) was commanding a UBoat for the very first time Naturally, that would drive up a man's sense of selfimportanceKarlAdolf Schlitt (born April 16, 1918 in Laboe ; · On April 14, 1945, the U16 sank during its maiden combat voyage after its captain — 27yearold KarlAdolf Schlitt– used the toilet improperly Schlitt called an engineer to help him out, but when the engineer turned a wrong valve, he accidentally unleashed a flood of sewage and seawater back into the sub

Kapitanleutnant Hermann Kottmann German U Boat Commanders Of Wwii The Men Of The Kriegsmarine Uboat Net

The Story Of Karl Adolph Schlitt And German Submarine U 16
/03/15 · The U16 was commissioned on March 16, After Captain KarlAdolf Schlitt and the crew received its assignment and they trained with the uboat for the rest of 1944 In early 1945 they were sent on training patrols in the North Sea afterIt was, indeed, the wreckage of a German submarine, the German U16 in particular It operated first with the 8th Uboat Flotilla while engaging in training exercises before the command of the 11th Uboat Flotilla was handed over to 27yearold Kapitänleutnant KarlAdolf SchlittGerman submarine U16 was a German Type VIIC Uboat of the Kriegsmarine during World War II She was laid down on June 12, 1943 at F Schichau GmbH in Danzig and went into service on March 16, 1944 The boat's emblem was a white stork on a black shield with green beak and legs1 1 Service history 11 Patrols 12 Sinking 2 See also 3 References 4 External links After being

Poo Sank This Nazi Sub

Submarine Toilets Toilets Of The World
· Now meet U16 and its proud 27yearold captain, KarlAdolf Schlitt On April 14, 1945, Schlitt and his submarine were eight days into their first combat patrol of the war · KarlAdolf Schlitt, on his first real patrol in enemy waters, suffered one of the more unusual losses of a Uboat when series of events resulting from improper use of the boats hightech underwater toilet forced the boat to surface right under enemy aircraft (Brennecke, 01) More on this on the U16 page Sources Busch, R and Röll, HJ · Now meet U16 and its proud 27yearold captain, KarlAdolf Schlitt On April 14, 1945, Schlitt and his submarine were eight days into their first combat patrol of the war

The Type Viic U Boat U 16 German U Boats Of Wwii Uboat Net

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U16 was launched in December 1943 and commissioned in March 1944 under command of Oblt Gunther Fritze, it spent the following ten months with 8th Training Flotilla during which a snorkel was fitted and command transferred to Kptlt KarlAdo lf Schlitt In February 1944 U16 transferred to 11th Combat Flotilla based in BergenYet German submarine U16 commenced its operations as ordered regardless Under the command of Captain KarlAdolph Schlitt, the sub was operating only 810 miles off the British coast, near Peterhead Scotland, on the 14 th of April 1945 And that's when the trouble began · KarlAdolf Schlitt age 90 years calc date of death dd/mm/yyyy date of birth 18 type crew

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